Saturday, September 03, 2005

Welcome to Holland

As I was going through all of my ante-natal information to decide what I would keep I came across this sheet of paper headed "Welcome to Holland". When I read it, I wondered how it had skipped my notice before. It is an article written by Emily Pearl Kingsley about dealing with giving birth to a disabled child. She also wrote a television drama called Kids Like These about a couple who have a child with downs Syndrome.
Now this may have has significance for us. You see when we had our 12 week ultrasound- the Nuchal fold scan - it put us in a high risk category for downs Syndrome (a 1:50 chance). After much soul searching and talking to family, we decided that it didn't matter to us whether our child had this or not- she would still be ours. Reading this article at this time would have affirmed that stance.

As it happened, J is a 49:50 baby, and does not have downs syndrome.

I think that this article is not just useful for expecting parents, but could apply to many situations in life when something unexpected happens that changes your whole life.



At 10:55 PM, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.


Now that is awesome writing. Thanks for sharing it. And well done for coming through what would have been a scary roadblock of a moment.


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