Thursday, August 25, 2005

The wait is over

Well it's been over a week since I last posted, but I am sure you will forgive me. You see this time last week, I was having contractions- and now I am officially a mummy.

It was collectively the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done.

Now not to suggest that giving birth is ever easy- it's not, but I did it the hard way. While by my reckoning I was in labour from 7am on Thursday 17th until Jessica's birth at 4.40pm on Friday 19th- 'experts' class labour as being when the pain is 'unbearable'. So me being able to move around freely and talk comfortably through a contraction until about 6pm on Thursday is not counted. 'Oficially' I had about 24hrs of 'real' labour before having an emergency caesarian.

The reason fot that. Square peg- round hole. Jessica was not overly big as babies go- 8lb 7oz (or 3.8kg)- but her head was just too big for me to deliver naturally.

So under the knife I went. It was a very emotional time for my husband and I at that time- especially when the spinal block did not work and they had to give me a general anaesthetic.

We have been home for almost one day now- and still getting used to our role as parents. We are preparing for out first outing at the moment- to take mummy to the doctor- I seem to have delevoped carpal tunnel syndrome while in labour.

I am sure that over the next few day, when i find the time, I will make more musings on childbirth and my experiences- stay tuned.

BTW- not just motherly bias- but she is Beautiful!


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

She truly is beautiful. Welcome home you two. I'm so glad you all came through it with flying colours.

And now we get to compare scars. At least unlike me they didn't have to shave your stomach... :)

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Capital Mum said...

No Mikey they didn't have to shave my stomach,but they did have to shave...

Thanks for saying she's beautiful too- now people won't just think I am a biased mummy.

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Ewwwwwww .. oh wait .... yay (for some)

She is man. And what a head of hair !

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Cass said...

You're not biased; she's adobrable. I always knew you two would have a gorgeous baby.


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