Bishop Backs Ban
I am not normally a political person, but I heard something yesterday that really annoyed me. While breastfeeding my new baby girl I was listening to ABC Classic FM. The news came on and there was an article about Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop regarding her backing a proposal to ban Muslim girls from wearing a head scarf in school.Her comment was “The headscarf is being used as a sort of iconic item of defiance". Now I'm no expert on the Islamic religion, but I cannot believe that threatening to ban a practice that is such an important part of a culture can come to any good.
Bronwyn Bishop MP
I think I must be too much of an idealist- to think that this country we live in is a multicultural one that embraces the concept of religious and cultural tolerance. What comes next- Christians cannot wear crosses? Sheikhs cannot wear turbans? Indians cannot wear the sari? Get real!
Just to satisfy my own curiosity I did some research to confirm my belief about the importance of wearing thehead scarff. What I found was this:
Hijab is the word used in the Islamic context for the practice of dressing modestly which all practicing Muslims past the age of puberty are instructed to do in their holy book, the Qur'ran.
In the Qur'ran it says:
"O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers
to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that
they should be known (as free respectable women) so as to not be annoyed. Allah
is ever Forgiving, Merciful." [33:59].
So how can we, the tolerant country that frowns on discrimination possibly suggest that an entire section of our society cannot freely practice their religious belief? With all the friction between the Western nations terrorists- should we not be looking at ways to embrace these people into the country they have chosen to live in- not marginalise them?
Well- that's my rant anyway. I cannot see any good in this proposition, and if it is indicative of Liberal Party thinking it confirms my opinion of the Liberal Party.
Blod- you go girl!
I say here! Here! Australians for defiantlty not wearing tops :)
I think it is very un-Australian for bitter old ladies to stand in front of our National flag. It interferes with my view of the Union Jack, and thoughts of "Old Blighty". Aren't there more important things for our beloved leaders to worry about than a bit of cloth? Were is the ANZAC spirit? Our cricketers can't even sledge there way to victory any more.
Bishop, get off your high horse and away from the flag and start worrying about how to teach our cricket team some effective racist slurs.
Blod, I think you should wait 'till summer for the shirts off thing.
It's one step away from Laws and Jones and their 'they could smuggle a bomb under their hooded robe' type comment.
She really does make me quite ill. I hope she takes an electoral hit on this.
Nice post by the way. Summed up the issue nicely.
Nice post, A. :)
What I don't get is that John Brogdan resigned over his racist comment, but bloody Bronwyn hasn't even been asked to that I've heard, and her comments were 1,000 times worse! Revolting woman.
If indeed, she is a woman...
Good point... :|
I think that Bronnie hasn't gone far enough. Let's face it - you can conceal a bomb or other such device very easily under nearly any sort of garment. Blod had the right idea (Actually, so did Robert Heinlein in Number of the Beast) - no clothes at all.
I say "nude up for a free Australia!"
I also just had to make a comment here as the word verification sums up my feelings for Bronnie and her comment - nffrrlp!
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