Friday, September 02, 2005

Doctor who?

I followed a link from The Husband's page and it took me to another blog. The first time I have gone blog surfing. Here was a link to a "which Doctor are you?" quiz.

Now here is where I admit to being a sci-fi nerd. You see I love Dr Who. I used to watch it when I was a child- There was one episode that gave me nightmares - (and interestingly enough it is the same one that scared The Husband silly as a child too) it was the episode where people were being turned into plants- I guess a kind of floral zombieism.

I loved the new series as well- shamelessly taping it when I would not be home to watch it on a Saturday night.

So, I ended up at this quiz and here was my result:

You are the Fourth Doctor: A walking Bohemian
conundrum with a brooding personal magnetism
and a first-rate intellect concealed somewhere
beneath your charmingly goofy exterior. You are
perhaps the most terribly clever of all the
Doctors, though your occasional bouts of
childishness get you in trouble. You never go
looking for a fight, but when someone messes
with you... Good heavens, are they ever sorry
they did.

Which Incarnation of the Doctor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

So, if you like Dr Who, and are a little bit bored, see which one you are.


At 10:13 PM, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...


You are the First Doctor: Irascible, brusque, and occasionally condescending and rude. You do not suffer fools gladly, nor do you harbor any false modesty about your capabilities. You have a sharp tongue, though you're first-class company when you're in a good mood.

I so wanted to be Tom Baker... :(

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Cthu1hu said...

Heh, turns out I'm Tom Baker as well. Must be why we're together - kindred spirits and all...


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