Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Yesterday saw one of the biggest displays of public protest in this country. Kevin Andrews, the governments Industrial Relations Minister dismissed the protest out of hand (see article in The Age).

On Win Television's "Today" program this morning he was asked directly twice if the protests yesterday had any effect. He replied with:

"The government is committed to these reforms"
This response does not surprise me. The current government pretty much has the opinion that they havesome kind of mandate to remake this country in their own image, despite what many of the people think (I will not say all, 'cause at least a slim majority of people voted them in).

So basically yesterday was a diplay in ineffectual bleating at a government that has cotton wool in its ears.

And since I think the Simpsons are cool today, here are some words of wisdom, this time from Homer:

"You don't like your job, you don't strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way. "


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Cass said...

I heard a political report on the ABC yesterday where the reporter said that nothing has ever swayed John Howard from a political course once he sets his mind on it. For example, the GST and the war in Iraq (there were protests for that also).

Doesn't mean people shouldn't still do it though. If they maintain that indignation till the next election maybe we can get rid of the little rodent.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Capital Mum said...

I was not suggesting people should not do it. If they did, the little turd would then bleat about how everyone supported his draconian measures.

I think the protests and the government ignoring them will only improve the chances of the coalition being turned out of government at the next election.....hopefully.

I was just saying I was not surprised at the response. As you said, it was predictable.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I love the Homer Simpson quote. It's actually true, too. Unhappy, mistreated employees perform worse than ones who feel secure and valued in their jobs.

The IR reforms are just one more example of Howard introducing something unpopular early in the election cycle, because he knows people will forget being screwed once he thinks up a scare campaign for the next election. Last time it was mortgages (he's so rich he doesn't have one!), and the time before that it was the dreaded boat-people. I'm trying to guess what those twisted a**holes will come up with for the next election...

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

I'm guessing aliens. There's an alien menace - that's why we need the missile defence system that cost us 10 billion. The libs likely will use shots of the white house getting smoked from independence day.

Wait, that might backfire on them...


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