Friday, October 28, 2005


So most of my Blogging friends have already been tagged, so I guess it would come around to me. Tagged by The Husband -Technohorror.

Well, 20 things about me hun? Here goes.....

  1. When I was a teenager my favourite music was WHAM! Sting, Icehouse and Crowded House. Yes my musical tastes then were as varied as they are now. I don’t like Midnight Oil, but listen to it because my husband does.

  1. I love reality Television. I admit to my (not so secret) shame. I tape ‘the biggest loser’ and watch Australian Idol. I compulsorily watch Big Brother. I have never got into survivor however.

  1. I am mildly interested in sport. My family are big sporting fans. I can take it or leave it, and by preference will not watch it. But if visiting family during a sporting interlude (Bathurst 1000, Tennis, Cricket tests etc) can enjoy watching it. I think it mostly has to do with how entertaining my family can be while watching it. The only sporting even I regularly watch is the League State of Origin, the Olympics/Commonwealth Games and wrestling. Yep WWE style World Wrestling Entertainment. Yes I know its ‘sports entertainment’ and scripted, but the people who do it really are athletes. It takes a lot of training to do what they do- I know this for sure now, because one of my friends is in the local wrestling league. I was asked by his son if I would join as well, but I am too much of a ‘delicate flower’ (and have the tattoo to prove it) to subject my body to that much punishment. I have, however considered getting involved in the local scene by being a ‘manager’.

  1. I have two tattoos, a Dragon on my left shoulder blade. My husband has the same tattoo in the same place. We got them together. I went first ‘cause I knew if I went second I would chicken out (see pervious point about being a delicate flower). The other one is a tribal style with a red rose at the base of my spine- my Husband lovingly refers to it as my ‘bumper sticker’. When my daughter is old enough to ask I will be brutally honest with her about how much pain they caused, and if she asks,will offer to take her to get the one of her choice when she turns 18 to make sure she goes to a reputable and clean establishment.

  1. I cut my sandwiches into triangles- ‘cause they taste better that way!, I always cut my apples into slices to eat them- even before I saw that episode of Firefly, but not for the same reasons.

  1. When I was younger I had a list of things I wanted to achieve before I turned 30. I did not complete all of them. Funnily enough this did not distress me as much as I thought it would, and most of them seem kinda trivial now. One of the things on the list that I still really want to do is ride a camel.

  1. I was a smoker from age 16-18. I tried marijuana once but did not inhale-bull I did - but I only has one puff. It was in the beer garden of the pub at uni.

  1. I am Catholic, a fact that has (and may still) surprised some of my friends. When I left home I became a ‘holiday catholic’ only attending church at Christmas. Recently I have started going every week again.

  1. I took my gay best friend as my date to my year 12 formal. My mother thought he was sweet on me, and I did not tell her he was gay. I still have not told her.

  1. I had my first kiss with my husband at that same year 12 formal. We dated for 8 years before we married, and have been married for 7 years.

  1. My two favourite grandparents died when I was in my early teens. I was angry at God for taking them because I loved them better than the ones that were left. Since then I have got to know my surviving grandmother better, and love her dearly. I have not grown to love my grandfather as much- even though he lives in the same city I live in. I find him a very self-centered person, and find it hard to rise above that and form a relationship. I wonder if I will regret this when he is no longer here.

  1. I turn down the corners on pages of books I own, and bend the spine back. I don’t care if the covers get worn. I believe a worn, folded book looks well loved. Of course my husband is exactly the opposite, so sometimes we come to grief when I don’t take as good care of our communal books as he would. I treat borrowed books very carefully.

  1. I love the beach, but not the water. My ideal beach trip involves lying on the sand under an umbrella, reading a book. I love the sound of waves crashing, especially at night. I lived on the coast for 6 months when I was 10, and would be lulled to sleep by the crashing waves at night.

  1. My first real pet (i.e. not fish) was a sparrow that was kicked out of the nest by its mother. It was so tiny it looked dwarfed in a box that was 15x20cm. We called it Bfer (as in ‘B” for Bird). My dad found it in the back yard when he was about to mow the lawn, and brought it inside to my brothers and I took look after (he thought it would die by the end of the day it was so small and malnourished). The next morning it woke me at dawn chirping. We rang a vet who said to feed it weetbix. I fed it by putting the mashed weetbix on my finger and chirping at it until it opened its mouth, then put the food in its mouth. Bfer stayed with us for several months, and then flew away. I did not have another pet until I moved out of home. Now I have to Cats.

  1. I have never been a very fit person, even though I played representative netball for my state when I was in high school. I have always been a bit overweight. I was teased about my weight as far back as year 5. I have been on many diets, but have to admit, my love affair with chocolate usually beats anything I try. It used to bother me heaps- commercial body image promotes skeletal women. However as I grew older and met my current group of friends, I discovered that not all men like their women as waifs. This made me more confident in my own self image, and made me appreciate one of my better assets (I have BIG boobs- bigger now that I am breastfeeding). While I still want to lose some weight for health reasons (I have family issues of heart attack), I am happy with who I am and how I look, and know that some people find it really sexy.

  1. I have been on TV once. It was on 60 minutes for a story on the sex industry in Canberra. My work were on a tour called ‘The Love Bus’ run by the Eros Foundation to educate people about the sex industry. It just so happened that a reporter from 60 Minutes was on our tour that night doing a story. They filmed me putting money into the garter of a stripper at a club. Thank goodness the most embarrassing thing I did that night was not caught on camera.

  1. I do my best thinking in the shower. It is just about the only time of day that I get to be by myself and just think. I actually prefer a shower over a bath.

  1. I prefer chocolate over vanilla ice-cream, and anything with caramel or butterscotch over both. My favourite colour is purple, and my favourite number is seven.

  1. The hardest, best and most rewarding thing I have done is give birth to my daughter.

  1. I believe that there is a skinny girl inside every woman just waiting to come out, but she can usually be placated with chocolate.

My motto is “life is uncertain; Eat desert first!”

So ther you have it. I suppose I have to tag someone now, so I nominate Hiraethin and Faeriefyre. C'mon lads lets see what you've got in the closet.


At 5:50 PM, Blogger Cthu1hu said...

Love you more than ever, you sentimental fool! Thankfully, no surprises in there... you must be saving those for your next 20 random things :)

I am really, really scared to see what Hiraethin and Faeriefyre will put in their respective 20 random things!

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Even as just some random blogger I really enjoyed reading that- You two are so sweet :)

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Cass said...

Somehow I missed that you posted this! I was checking your blog after I saw that Techno. tagged you (I should've done it but I was slack and didn't tag anyone!) to see when you posted, and I missed it anyway!!

I hope that it doesn't bother me to turn 30. I should make you my role model. We can go ride camels together (though that ain't on my list!).

I had problems being friends with one of my grandfathers too so I can understand that. I was going to post a huge explanation here but I got halfway through typing it and thought it would be mean to fill up your comments with it! Maybe I'll post it to my blog later... :|

I agree with Techno. about the book thing, though! ;)

You're gorgeous! *hugs*

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Capital Mum said...

Cass, i'm sure you'll make 30 a breeze. And I think the company while camel riding would be fun.

It's good to know that not everyone likes all their grandparents, and I am not the only one.

You can pick yur friends, but not your family

At 6:53 AM, Blogger Hiraethin said...

Inkling, I finally responded to your tag. Sorry about the delay. My post is here.

Did my beloved ever respond?


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