Wednesday, November 16, 2005


So I was up at 4am this morning feeding the Babe. I was watching Good Morning America. There was a news article which had Dubbya (George W. Bush) talking about how the Democrats are changing their story about endorsing the war in Iraq. His comment was:

"They are playing politics with this issue"

Now here is where my Deja-Vu occurred. You see last month, another politician, this time in Australia, said exactly the same thing. John Howard -Australian Prime Minister accused John Stanhope - ACT Chief Minister of "Playing politics" by publishing draft anti-terror laws on his website (see posts by Harrangueman and Cass).

Now I have always been worried about John Howards "buddy-buddy" relationship with Dubbya, but this is downright scary.

In the immortal words of Lisa Simpson:

"Oh no, the dead have risen and they're voting Republican"


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