Sunday, August 26, 2007

If I Were a Cartoon Character....

I might just look like this.Got this from here, after reading Cass' blog for the first time in ages (which is OK, cause she does not update hers often either).

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Lost and Found

So the reason I have not blogged in about 7 months???

Well here it is:

1. I went back to part time work - 13hrs a f/n
2. I have been sucked into the world of Guildwars, which pretty much takes up all of my spare time.
3. and most improtantly..... I forgot my login and password. Only just remembered it tonight.

So here it is... lots has happened.

My daughter is now 2 years old, and I am not sure I like the upgrade to Toddler Version 2.0. "I want it NOW!" seems to be her favourite phrase at the moment.

I will try and update a little more often....promise

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